Prophet SA Introduces Xero-Integration and Analytics

Prophet SA has completed the development of our end-to-end API integration to Xero – the newest addition to our accounting package integration module that seamlessly integrates your Prophet system data to Xero. We are also excited to announce that our system integration with Xero is accompanied by a plug-and-play BI module that allows you to automatically push your Xero data to our custom analytics portal or other BI tools of your choice, such as PowerBI.
Prophet-2-Xero - Your sales, payments and other financial transactions flow effortlessly from system-to-system without the need for manual- or duplicate data capturing in Xero. Your Prophet generated transactions such as Consignee Invoices; Credit Notes; Debit Notes; Invoice Receipts; Foreign- and local costs as well as producer payments can be transferred to Xero using code conversions for accurate account (ledger) and contact mapping between Prophet and Xero.
Our Xero-2-BI integration module is a comprehensive API based Xero adapter that enable you to create strategic level analytics and reporting for your business. All our BI solutions are web-based and can be hosted on our architecture that doesn’t interfere with the day-to-day performance of the client server environment. All data is access-controlled, and visibility can be determined on a per-user basis.