Prophet UK Attends the UKFPN Network Luncheon in Spalding, UK
Mick Heatherington (VP – Sales) attended the UKFPN Network Luncheon held in Spalding, UK on June 16th, 2022.
This event was a wonderful networking lunch, with a great opportunity to meet with fellow colleagues and old friends from across the supply chain.
The FPN is a network of the fresh produce and flower supply chain, supported by the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce.
It is a member-led, proactive organisation with a strong, vibrant membership of importers, growers, packers, logistics and associated businesses.

Stefan Clements (Worldwide Fruit - back row), Nigel Baker (Damson Consulting), Mick Heatherington (Prophet ), Anna Pike (Worldwide Fruit ) and Rob King (Worldwide Fruit)