Agroberries Visits Worldwide Fruit Ltd to Gain Firsthand Insight into Pr3

It was a pleasure to host Marko and Enrique from Agroberries at the Worldwide Fruit Ltd offices in Spalding, UK on July 6th, 2022. Marko and Enrique visited Worldwide Fruit Ltd’s offices to gain insight as to how Pr3 has benefited Worldwide Fruit Ltd, with a particular focus on customer to grower traceability.

Agroberries was founded in 1996, and have since become a global company. In search of best varietal genetics, Agroberries aim to make their berries an unforgettable, dazzling high-quality product. They are determined to develop a sustainable business, concentrating their efforts to achieve an environmentally friendly process, committing, and looking after their communities, consumers, workers, and other stakeholders.

Worldwide Fruit Ltd is an international fruit marketing and distribution company focused on being customers’ first choice.  As a business Zero waste is one of their Direction of travel pillars. They have been working with SA partners since 2011, to develop their understanding of Lean practices and processes and how they can continually improve.

Their approach to learning has been to ‘grow our own’. They have invested in training and development, using the SA partner belt system which is affiliated to Cardiff University. This ensures they are all aligned and delivering the same objectives. In 2020 there were 200 good ideas. Every day, someone, somewhere in their business is delivering an improvement.

Many thanks to Curt at Worldwide Fruit Ltd for offering the benefit of his experience in using Prophet software over the past 15 years.

We look forward to a long and successful partnership.

Curtis Redman (Worldwide Fruit), Marko Olivares & Enrique Infante (Agroberries).


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