Highlights from the CPMA Convention; Trade Show - Toronto, Canada

Alberto Cuellar (Business Development Director) from Prophet North America, attended the CPMA Convention and Trade Show in Toronto, Canada this week.

Says Alberto, “We are thrilled to have participated in the CPMA show in Toronto this week, and we are grateful for the opportunity to connect with new potential customers who expressed interest in our innovative products. The great turnout and impressive exhibitors made this an incredibly successful event. We look forward to building new relationships and bringing the power of Prophet to even more businesses in the produce industry.”

Based in Ottawa, Ontario, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) is a not-for-profit organization that represents companies that are active in the marketing of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in Canada from the farm gate to the dinner plate.

CPMA's vision is to enable and lead the produce industry by enhancing the market and facilitating trade of fresh fruits and vegetables for its members!

Alberto Cuellar (Business Development Director - Prophet North America) and Larry Davidson (Owner of North American Produce Buyers)

Alberto Cuellar (Business Development Director - Prophet North America) and Zanelle Hough (Sales Director - Nature Fresh Farms)


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Prophet North America - Our anticipation for the CPMA Convention & Trade Show is building!