Prophet UK welcomes Dumebi Jeffreys as a Data Analyst to our team

Prophet UK would like to welcome Dumebi Jeffreys as a Data Analyst to our team.

Dumebi has a BSc Combined Engineering from Coventry University.

He has huge interest in data and the endless possibilities it can afford. He enjoys learning new technologies and will be working hard to answer customer questions using data. Dumebi is passionate about data, data science and AI as a game changer for intelligent business decision making.

He is a good problem solver, team player and a good coordinator all of which he leverages to answer complex business questions for the organization.

As a hobby, Dumebi loves Saabs and he regularly works on restoring them. He believes that problems might be difficult but not impossible .

His moto is, “Surely, there’s a way out.”

Welcome to the team, Dumebi!


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