An Interview with the Produce Business Magazine - the Future of Technology

Earlier this month, Mick Heatherington was interviewed by the Produce Business magazine regarding the future of technology.

“Prophet has a fully integrated quality analysis and inspection system coupled with its Lot Accounting foundation designed to deliver tight traceability, says Mick Heatherington of software provider Prophet North America, Westlake Village, CA. “Once produce — bulk, raw or packed — enters the supply chain of any produce operator using Prophet, it can be tracked and traced, no matter what manufacturing or packing process the produce has been through.”

To read more on the future of ERP within fresh produce: Part 1: Introduction - Prophet (

To read more on interview: Technology Can Simplify A Complex Produce World - Produce Business


Prophet Newsletter April / May 2022 Issue 60


Prophet UK welcomes Dumebi Jeffreys as a Data Analyst to our team